
Showing posts from August, 2018

Dioptra App Moon sighting vs Redshift 8 professional planetarium software prediction

The Dioptra App and the Redshift 8 planetarium software are promising tools which should have applications in doing experiments in the spherical earth vs flat earth controversy. Here’s some preliminary results testing these tools and a proposal for one way they could be used in a future experiment to test spherical vs flat earth models. I remember getting the Redshift software for my Mac back in the mid 90s and successfully using it to predict and identify planets and stars and their positions in the night sky. There are quite a few brands of similar software on the market now, but without doing too much research I decided to go with the current premium version of Redshift now available for around $60. So I took a sighting of the Moon with the Dioptra App on my Android Smart phone and then entered the same time and location parameters into Redshift for comparison. Dioptra: Azimuth 102 deg magnetic & Altitude 38.4 deg Redshift: Azimuth 114.9 deg true = 101.6 deg m...

Stork Birtherism among God fearing Flat Earthers and Jet Fuel Deniers

A few months ago some God fearing Flat Earthers began discovering, gathering evidence, and reporting that jet aircraft actually do not need or use jet fuel as a power source to fly. The actual advanced technology used is hidden from the public in much the same way and for the same reasons that flat earth truth is also hidden from the public. It is just another example of Satan’s grand strategy and conspiracy to deceive us all into believing that jets require petroleum to fly and that petroleum came from rotting dead dinosaurs and other prehistoric life forms and that man evolved from lower life forms and that therefore God does not exist. Some within this group are also venturing into another area of novel and hidden truth, stork birtherism. Many stork birthers are concluding that the idea that human babies come from and are the result of human beings engaging in sexual intercourse with each other is just as fake as the idea that jets need jet fuel to fly. God fearing Flat Eart...

My Awakening to the Jewish Question from 2004 to 2018 thanks to 9/11

[Since I started working on this write-up a couple months ago, I have read what has got to be one of the most significant books that I have ever read on the Jewish Question, that book being, “From Yahweh to Zion,” by Dr. Laurent Guyenot, and translated from French into English by Dr. Kevin Barrett. I learned about this book when I listened to Kevin Barrett on the Brian Ruhe Show, so I had to immediately get it and read it. And the first recommendation for the book that appears behind the front cover is by a Christian scholar and process philosopher / theologian who I have a great deal of respect for, Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr. I think it would be good for me to quote the entire recommendation by Dr. Cobb here, since it helps to show how really valuable this book “From Yahweh to Zion” by Dr. Guyenot is. So that review is quoted below.] “There is no question of the extraordinary gifts and achievements of the Jewish people and of their enormous contribution to American culture and int...

Minimal awareness of the Jewish Question prior to awakening to 9/11 truth in 2004

[The graphic used for this post is of the cover of the book “Anti-Semitism” by R. B. Thieme, Jr. which represents the views and beliefs I had on the Jewish Question that I learned from his teaching during the time I was one of his devout followers. I claim fair use of this image.] [Preliminary comment about the God Virus theory of Dr. Darrel Ray. I have written about Dr. Ray’s work in previous blog posts. I have found his God Virus theory explained in his book to be very helpful to me. You know how fundamentalist Christians will often say something like, “we don’t hate the sinner, we hate the sin.”? Well, I can now say or think an analogous thing when I reflect back on spiritual leaders and teachers who indoctrinated me with wacky ideas that have taken me a lifetime to unravel. It is harder to have anger and bitterness toward them when you realize that they are just vectors for a virus that they had themselves been severely infected with. So I think the God Virus theory is goo...