Stork Birtherism among God fearing Flat Earthers and Jet Fuel Deniers
A few months
ago some God fearing Flat Earthers began discovering, gathering evidence, and
reporting that jet aircraft actually do not need or use jet fuel as a power
source to fly. The actual advanced technology used is hidden from the public in
much the same way and for the same reasons that flat earth truth is also hidden
from the public. It is just another example of Satan’s grand strategy and conspiracy
to deceive us all into believing that jets require petroleum to fly and that
petroleum came from rotting dead dinosaurs and other prehistoric life forms and
that man evolved from lower life forms and that therefore God does not exist.
Some within
this group are also venturing into another area of novel and hidden truth,
stork birtherism. Many stork birthers are concluding that the idea that human
babies come from and are the result of human beings engaging in sexual
intercourse with each other is just as fake as the idea that jets need jet fuel
to fly. God fearing Flat Earthers are the tip of the spear in casting out false
beliefs and determining the real hidden truth about many things in these last
days, including the truth about jet fuel and the latest revelation on how human
babies come into this world, that they are delivered by storks, in the service
of Almighty God.
The false
belief that human babies come from human sexual intercourse is another of
Satan’s great lies to convince people that they are no different than animals
and that they evolved from animals and that therefore God does not exist. A
recent convert to stork birtherism testified, “When I first heard flat earthers,
jet fuel deniers, and stork birthers telling me that babies really come from
storks, I thought it was ridiculous, until I tried to prove them wrong, and I
couldn't do it. So I became a stork birther. All those hideous videos you have
seen of babies being born have either been faked with CGI or are the result of
humans being possessed by Satan’s demons and having been enslaved by Satan’s
human sex cult."
[The flat
earth movement not only puts another philosophical viewpoint on the table for
examination, critique, and contrast, but also provides fabulous fodder for the
[Last March
2018 a friend of mine who is a flat earther referred me to a youtube video
entitled “Passenger Airplanes Don't Carry Fuel, technological achievement being
hidden from public eyes” by the youtube channel “Enslaved By No Media” so I
watched it. It appeared that this was a new concept catching on with some flat
earthers. Shortly thereafter flat earth debunking airline pilot with youtube
channel “wolfie6020” responded with a video “Don't be ridiculous - of course
Jet engines use liquid fuel.” So seeing these videos inspired me to respond
with a Stork Birther satirical piece, which I originally shared as a comment on
youtube, and also on Facebook. So here I finally got around to editing it a bit
and creating a blog post out of it to hopefully share the satirical humor and laughs
with more people.]
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