
Showing posts from December, 2017

Flat earth geometry compared to actual San Jose CA 400 meter running track

How a flat earth 400 m running track would layout over actual San Jose CA Lynbrook High track Here are two 400 meter track traces laid out over the Lynbrook High School track in San Jose, CA, one according to spherical earth surface geometry, and the other according to flat circular disk earth geometry, which is shifted slightly to the west (i.e. left) to make it easier to distinguish between the two for comparison purposes. It is worth pointing out that there are two ways to compare spherical to flat geometry that should be distinguished to avoid confusion. Two blog posts ago where I first introduced walking a track and taking GPS data where I did this at Prospect High School, I showed how the actual GPS trace coincided accurately with the real map of the track and I will further note here that 5.58 km/12 = 465 m/lap is reasonably close to what would be expected for the 8 th lane based on a quick web search for that information which gave 454 m/lap. And if you keep the...

How 3 flat earth 400 m running tracks would layout over actual Santiago Chile Escuela PDI track

These are actual traces of what properly proportioned 400 m tracks laid out in Santiago Chile according to flat earth circular disk geometry would look like compared to an actual existing properly proportioned track there at Escuela PDI. Three flat earth geometry tracings of properly proportioned 400 meter tracks overlaying actual 400 meter track in Santiago Chile, one tracing with long dimension running north south and two with long dimension running east west. The flat earth trace with the long dimension running north south exhibits the proportion similar to that of a cigar, whereas the two flat earth traces with long dimensions running east west exhibit the proportions of a pill box. The Excel file with these traces is documented here. ChileLeftRightShaftV2Vis       Excel file This graphically illustrates the gross distortions in dimensions that occur in the...

Running Tracks Worldwide Affirm Spherical Earth

Spherical Earth Affirming One Running Track At A Time INTRODUCTION In my previous blog post I mentioned looking at shorter trips and even walking routes that might give ample evidence to clearly affirm the spherical earth and debunk the flat earth. And as I have tried a few different things, I have come upon a concept that will truly bring spherical earth affirming and flat earth debunking to the masses all over the world. It turns out that no matter where you go throughout the world, wherever there is civilization, there are sports fields and running tracks, the tracks being nominally 400 meters around for one lap. It is true that there have been some different standards throughout the years, so tracks of differing dimensions will certainly be found. But anyone could easily measure for themselves the dimensions of their track for further verification if desired. So no matter where most people live, they are most likely going to be able to find a nearby school...